Buckle up! We are on the Road to 200 Stretch Zone Studios
We’re revving up growth and cruising down the Road to 200, opening new studios in communities across the United States. Road trips are all about relaxing, telling stories, visiting new locales, and making memories. Travel with us this summer as we hit the highway and share our road trip itinerary with you! But first, let’s reminisce about the unforgettable memories we’ve experienced as we prepare to arrive at this milestone marker.
In 1999, Stretch Zone founder Jorden Gold began his assisted stretching career in Aventura, Florida. Gold grew up extraordinarily close to his grandfather, and over the years, witnessed his Pop-Pop increasingly lose mobility due to diabetes. That’s when he came up with the idea that he could use a proprietary stretch methodology, utilizing tables and straps, for better results in his physical training sessions with Pop-Pop. Soon after applying this new method, Pop-Pop went from bedridden to moving with a walker to dancing at a family wedding. Gold knew he had to introduce this revolutionary method to the world.
Innovation has always fueled the Stretch Zone journey.
This experience led Gold to pioneer his proprietary stretch methodology and patented equipment launching Stretch Zone. Over the next several years, he went on the road leading certification classes, training NBA and NFL athletes, teaching as an adjunct instructor at massage schools, and then finally opened his first commercial studio.
In 2016, Tony Zaccario joined Stretch Zone, and in 2019 he stepped into his role as President and CEO. Within a year of his arrival, Stretch Zone started driving its commercial stretching concept into a business model for others to invest in and began franchising. That’s when we really hit the gas, and not even a global pandemic could slow down our accelerated growth.
Former NFL quarterback Drew Brees joined the Stretch Zone team as a partner and franchise owner helping to navigate brand awareness and new market openings.
Our next stop? Well, we’ve had some things under construction and now the Road to 200 has opened up for us. We are excited to be hitting it this summer. Jorden, Tony, and Drew plan to cruise into new openings in communities throughout select cities and discover new states as we open some first-to-market studios. We plan on hitting our destination of 200 studio openings on June 27th and invite you along for the ride.
Follow us on social media to join us on this journey, see the stretch stops along the way and learn more about our passengers in this epic business adventure that we have mapped out!